Psychological Assessments

Our highly trained psychologists also provide a range of gold-standard neuropsychological assessments for children and adults. The clinical team undergo rigorous and ongoing professional development to stay informed about the latest evidence in the diagnosis and assessment of cognitive disorders.

Joplin Clinic Offers Assessments for:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Academic Achievement
  • Intellectual Disabilities
  • Giftedness
  • Specific Learning Disorders (including Dyslexia and Dyscalculia)
  • Forensic Assessment for Court Purposes

Assessment Process

Initial Appointment

50-minute consult with a psychologist
An experienced psychologist will sit down with you to go over your history and reason for the assessment. They may also get you to complete some screener forms. The psychologist will determine an assessment plan and answer any questions you may have.

Testing Appointment

2-3 hours of psychometric testing
The psychologist will administer the assessments outlined in the initial appointment. They may also ask you to provide supplementary documentation such as school reports.

The Report

A comprehensive report detailing the outcome of the testing
The psychologist will analyse your assessment scores and any additional documentation provided in a detailed diagnostic report. The report includes recommendations and treatment options. This report will be available 6-8 weeks after the assessment.

Feedback Session

50-minute session to discuss the report results
Following the completion of your report, the psychologist will sit with you to go over your results and answer any questions you may have.

Benefits of a Psychological Assessment

There are many reasons why someone decides to get an assessment. For most people, a diagnosis provides a sense of relief, offering an explanation for challenges and behaviours that one previously ascribed to personal failings.
A diagnosis allows a person to access support tailored to their specific condition. This could include therapy to manage symptoms, accommodations at work or school, or access to NDIS services.

For conditions such as ADHD, an assessment can be the first step in accessing medication. While a psychologist cannot prescribe medication, they will help connect you with a psychiatrist who does. With psychiatrists often having long wait times for new clients, obtaining a diagnosis through one of our psychologists means you can start accessing support while you wait to speak with a psychiatrist.

Please contact us for information about our assessment fee schedule and booking.